Vast swaths of the continental U.S. will experience prolonged and dangerous heatwaves by 2050, with the heat index in places above 100F (38C) for weeks on end. Almost two-thirds of Americans, mostly in southern and central states, will be at risk. The record heat experienced this year in several states will be normal. Today 46% of the population experiences at least three consecutive days of 100F-plus heat, on average, each year. By mid-century, that will have increased to 63%. Property owners can find out their risk factor using an interactive tool published with the First Street Foundation’s report. https://riskfactor.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw9NeXBhAMEiwAbaY4lk3AslINdEMtGB16_wnDfu07ixMMQlNQhbe5spmLXmqulsxZ1hrFoBoCIPgQAvD_BwE
