Photo: Boston Seaport

Sea level rise from the melting of arctic ice appears to be accelerating. Levels rose about 9 inches during the 20th century. By 2030, they’re projected to rise by 0.6 to 1.1 feet above 2000 levels. By 2070, some estimate a rise of 2.3 to 4.2 feet over 2000 levels. Sea level along the U.S. coast is projected to rise, on average, 10-12 inches in the next 30 years which will be as much as the rise measured over the last 100 years. Massachusetts Coastal areas are highly vulnerable to damage from accelerating sea level rise and storm surges. 53% of Massachusetts residents live in coastal communities. Over the next century up to a half million people along the State’s coast may be at-risk. This added to more intense hurricanes and winter storms present a serious threat to people residing in coastal Massachusetts, not to mention elsewhere.

